Rabu, 29 Mei 2013

Tugas 2

a. Bagaimana cara membuat kalimat langsung
b. Bagaimana cara membuat kalimat tak langsung
c. Sebutkan perubahan yang terjadi ketika kalimat langsung
    diubah menjadi kalimat tak langsung.

a. DIRECT SENTENCE is a sentence that accurately imitate speech or the speech of others, either verbally or in writing. Form of direct speech sentences can be news, interrogative sentence, imperative sentences, or sentences exclaimed.

b. INDIRECT SENTENCE is sentence report or notify speech / speech of another person. Form of the sentence is not a sentence only news directly.


Direct Sentence
1. Quoted ("...")
2. Intonation passages quoted higher than those without
3. Pronoun in the sentence quoted unchanged
4. Composition remains, not saying the task
5. Sentence news directly shaped sentences, interrogative sentence, imperative sentences, and sentences exciting

Indirect Sentence
1. Not quoted.
2. Intonation flat and downhill.
3. Pronoun in the sentence quoted unchanged.
4. Said task, like that, because, for, that, etc..
5. Sentence is not a sentence only news directly.

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